AutoPilot Baskets

AutoPilot Basket: 'Big Boys League'

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Description: Big Boys League

Minimum Amount:
Current Holding:
1 Month Return* 1 Year Return* Three Years Return (Absolute)* Three Years MaxDrawDown Return from Inception (Absolute)* MaxDrawDown from Inception
3.0 12.44 39.16 14.89 388.79 14.89
* Note: Returns are exclusive of brokerage, statutory levies and dividends.

Sector Analysis

Sector 1 Month Return* 1 Year Return* Three Years Return (Absolute)* Three Years MaxDrawDown Return from Inception (Absolute) MaxDrawDown from Inception
Paints 0.51 -2.31 0.21 24.98 461.8 26.52
Banks - Private 1.43 -3.39 10.26 23.99 187.66 47.56
Auto Ancl 3.35 39.34 43.61 20.22 463.61 38.88
Pharmaceuticals -0.51 27.54 120.15 15.27 257.39 45.29
Auto -1.28 12.42 52.13 17.92 321.77 50.62
Textiles 8.94 18.0 51.06 23.95 1321.45 23.95
Finance 3.22 22.77 225.72 26.31 129.98 78.52
Banks - PSU 6.69 25.34 48.11 21.46 234.75 44.78

Sector - Symbol Wise Analysis

Symbol 1 Month Return* 1 Year Return* Three Years Return (Absolute)* Three Years MaxDrawDown Return from Inception (Absolute) MaxDrawDown from Inception Daily Report
ASIANPAINT 0.51 -2.31 0.21 24.98 461.8 26.52 View Daily Report
Banks - Private
AXISBANK -2.92 -11.52 28.67 15.39 302.97 44.79 View Daily Report
HDFCBANK 5.79 4.75 -8.15 32.6 72.36 50.33 View Daily Report
Auto Ancl
BOSCHLTD 3.35 39.34 43.61 20.22 463.61 38.88 View Daily Report
GLENMARK -0.51 27.54 120.15 15.27 257.39 45.29 View Daily Report
HEROMOTOCO 0.52 26.35 88.83 12.05 114.87 58.35 View Daily Report
MARUTI -3.09 -1.51 15.42 23.79 528.67 42.88 View Daily Report
PAGEIND 8.94 18.0 51.06 23.95 1321.45 23.95 View Daily Report
PFC 3.22 22.77 225.72 26.31 129.98 78.52 View Daily Report
Banks - PSU
SBIN 6.69 25.34 48.11 21.46 234.75 44.78 View Daily Report
*In Trade

Important Disclaimer:
There is a risk of loss in investing or trading in securities (cash or futures or options) which you should be aware of prior to making an investment/trading decision, including the possible loss of principal. An investment in individual stocks, or a collection of stocks focused on a particular theme or idea, such as an autopilot basket, may be subject to increased risk of price fluctuation over more diversified holdings due to adverse developments which can affect a particular industry or sector. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. All information has been obtained from sources, which are believed to be reliable, but accuracy and thoroughness cannot be guaranteed. Readers are solely responsible for how they use the information and for their results. Please note the above hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual transactions. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under- or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. In fact, there are differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular investing/trading program whether algorithmic or otherwise. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses. There have been no promises, guarantees or warranties suggesting that any trading/investing will result in a profit or will not result in a loss. Algo Systems or Gumption Labs or makes no representation regarding the suitability of a particular investment or investment strategy. You are responsible for all investment decisions you make including understanding the risks involved with your investment or trading strategy, even if it is hired, copied or borrowed from anyone else.

Algo Systems, is an SEBI-registered research analyst firm which manages the autopilot investing and trading strategies. GumptionLabs/ provides the software platform for executing the same.